LPI-Japan was incorporated as a non-profit organization in Tokyo, Japan on July 28, 2000 to contribute developing IT professionals through its IT certifications in Japan. LPI-Japan brings together an active and committed community of companies, IT professionals, training organizations and volunteers to achieve LPI-Japan's programs.

LPI-Japan is recognized as the premier organization developing IT professionals in Linux, Open Source Software, and HTML5. Now LPI-Japan delivers the certification programs of PostgreSQL, HTML5, CloudStack, and OpenStack in addition to Linux. They are delivered in thousands of locations worldwide, in English or Japanese and with the support of sponsors, business partners, and training partners.



To provide a framework, industry leadership, and services with the goals of enhancing, developing (via our certifications), and furthering lifelong professional careers in Linux, Open Source technologies, and HTML5.


To become recognized as the organization that provides global leadership, direction and skill standards for those who pursue a career in Linux, Open Source technologies and HTML5.


Name NPO LPI-Japan
Date of Incorporation July 28, 2000 - Incorporated as a non-profit organization.
Address 9F Iino Building, 2-1-1, Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0011, Japan


Chairman Atsuo Suzuki
Board Members
  • Ryuji Nakajima (NEC Corporation)
  • Yuuki Sugimoto (Hitachi, Ltd.)
  • Katsuhisa Ota (Fujitsu Limited)
  • Fumio Matsushita (Fsas Technologies Inc.)
  • Yuichi Aoyama (Cybertrust Corporation)
Auditor Shinto Teramoto (Professor of Kyusyu University Faculty of Law)
Legal Advisor TMI Associates
Honorary Adviser Gen Narui
Adviser Tomomi Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


Our certifications